I'm Taking a Break From Sugar



Today I received an email from Mastin Kipp who writes The Daily Love blog. I follow Mastin’s blog because I love his authenticity and his passion for spreading love and spiritual consciousness. In this particular post titled “Does your life need a pattern interrupt?” he talks about how ditching sugar has enabled him to kick his focus and productivity into overdrive so he can grow his business and spread his message. Well, I’m ALL about that these days: focus and productivity! In my work, I tell people to eat what they love not what they think they “should”. This is step one to gaining freedom from emotional eating. Once my clients eat without restrictions they will start to notice that certain foods make them feel better than others, just like Mary Ann did previous post here. One of the foods Mary Ann chose to give up was sugar. Her decision was made not from a place of deprival, but because she knows she will feel better as a result. Banning foods because of a diet only creates feelings of deprivation and more binging. CHOOSING to give up sugar because we value our energy levels, clarity of thought, and overall well being, that’s self-love. If you feel ready to take a break from sugar, NOT because you want to drop 10 pounds for a wedding, or fit into your skinny jeans for an important date, but because you love yourself enough to give your body and mind a break from something that doesn’t serve you, join me and Maria Rippo on January 14th for a 10 day sugar detox! Add yourself to the waiting list here. The first “getting started” phone call will be this Friday January 11th where Maria will teach us everything we need to do to prepare for the cleanse. All participants will be receiving a copy of her book, The Green Smoothie Challenge Companion, filled with TONS of amazing green juice and smoothie recipes plus a step-by-step guide on how to give your body a break from toxic foods. I can’t wait to get started! Hugs, Britt PS: If you’ve done a sugar detox in the past, this won’t be your traditional run-of-the-mill experience. I DON’T believe in suffering and deprivation so we are going to TAP all the physical detox symptoms away making it easy to walk by the dessert table and pass on cookies. :-)