HELP! I'm surrounded by sweets!!!




Are you struggling with all the holiday sweets? Here’s a tapping script to help you relax...

See, it’s bad enough that when the holidays roll around, there’s no escaping the sugar overload... Mom just sent you her annual haul of Christmas cookies... There’s a new tray of goodies at the office every time you look... Clients are sending in their fancy gift baskets... The house is covered in candy canes and chocolate... Even your DREAMS are of sugar plum fairies!!! But to make things even worse, it’s so hard to just ENJOY all the sweets without feeling terrible about it. There’s that constant battle going on in your mind, that back-and-forth ping pong game... You want to enjoy the sweets, but you think you shouldn’t...and even when you give in and grab a slice of goodness... You just end up feeling bad and guilty. And it seems like everyone else is just totally happy, chomping away at their fruit cakes and fudge! Honey, you’re not alone. SO many of us struggle with sweets during the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here’s a little script I wrote for when you’re feeling sugar crazy. It will help you relax, enjoy, and find sweetness guilt-free... Tapping on the karate chop point...

Even though I’m sooo tempted by holiday sweets I completely love and accept myself. Even though I just can’t resist all these treats I love and accept myself deeply and completely. Even though I want to eat those sweets right NOW! I am willing to give myself pure love and acceptance.

Tapping through the points... There are sweets everywhere! I just can’t get away from them. I tell myself I’ll have just one cookie... Just one piece of fudge... Just one handful of candied nuts... But then I just can’t stop. They taste so good... So sweet, so buttery, so comforting... What would the holidays be without sweets?! Trying to stop myself would just ruin the season. Besides, I can always start fresh after New Years... I deserve these sweets! I deserve to treat myself! There’s NO WAY I’m going to deprive myself... While everyone else is indulging and enjoying... It’s just not fair! Why do I have to think so much about this? Why is it always such a struggle? I want to eat my sweets... But I want to feel good about it too. Instead of all this guilt... Instead of beating myself up... Instead of inspecting my waistline in the mirror... I just want to enjoy myself and be happy. Take a long, deep breath. Keep tapping through the points...

I choose to enjoy myself this holiday season. In whatever way feels best for me. All of this struggle, all of this guilt... I honor it, and honor myself for feeling it... All I want is the very best... For me, for my family, for my body... And I honor myself for struggling with sugar It tastes so good in my mouth... But doesn’t always feel so great in my body. It’s no wonder I feel so conflicted! So right now, right here, in this moment... I choose to let go of the struggle. I choose to let go of the guilt. I choose to love myself and every choice I make... If I want another cookie, I’m going for it! I give myself complete permission to indulge. And if that cookie makes my stomach hurt... Or makes my eyelids droop... I choose to honor that too. There are so many ways to find sweetness in my life... There are so many ways to treat myself... I am open to receiving sweetness in other ways. By spending time with my loved ones... By dancing to my favorite song... By curling up with my favorite holiday movie... By giving myself complete permission to enjoy... To be happy... To be care-free... And to savor every crumb of every cookie I eat. This holiday season, I choose to enjoy myself guilt-free... And to honor every choice I make with love.

Take another big, deep breath. Use this script whenever you’re feeling tempted and torn about all the holiday sweets. And as always, please feel free to use your own words and feelings! Sending you so much sweetness, Britt xoxo P.S. - I’ve got a really cool surprise coming up for you...something that will DEFINITELY help you kick-start your metabolism after all the holiday sweets...keep an eye on your inbox, you won't want to miss out!